The Bad Environmentalist
The Bad Environmentalist
What have eco non-profits got wrong? with Cale Jaffe
Season 1 Episode 6: What have eco non-profits got wrong? with Cale Jaffe
We know what oil lobbyists are doing wrong (a lot!) and also governments, but have environmental non-profit shaped this conversation in a helpful manner? This episode looks at how we in the environmental non-profit/NGO space can improve the likelihood our message will resonate. It also delves into the political polarization of the environment, especially in the USA.
Interviewee: Cale Jaffe -
Instagram: @badenviropod - Check it out for guilt-free yet questioning stories and photos about the environment.
The Bad Environmentalist is presented by Phoebe Lewis and Maria Stacke in their private capacity. It does not represent the views of the organizations that they work for.